Saturday 28 November 2015


Adding of labels to your blogger posts is a very efficient way of making users of your blog feel at home when ever they are on your blog. It makes it easier for them to navigate through your blog without having to keep on searching for a particular post of great interest to them. If your blog for example is a multi niche blog that contains different topics and you want to organize it in such a way that when your targeted audiences comes in, they feel at home and do not have to feel frustrated trying to get at a particular topic on your blog, then making use of labels comes in very handy.

Below am going to share with you two methods in which you can organize posts in your blog and group them in different labels or categories in less than 3 minutes.
The first method is immediately after finish typing a particular post, you create a label for that post or group it under a preexisting label. The second method is after you have already published posts and you want to group them at once in labels. Follow me lets take them one after the other.


To create a new label or group your post under a preexisting label before publishing a post, simply finish typing the post and doing all sort of editing you want to do on it after which you click on the label button on the top right corner under 'Post settings' as shown below.

 >=> The next step is to type in the name or title of the label you would want to group your blog post under. While doing this, please note that in the case of you grouping a blog posts in more than one label, each label should be separated by comma (,). When you are done, go ahead to click the 'Done' button as shown below.

NB: If you have already created a label, you do not have to create it twice. To select a label you have already created, simply type the first two to five characters of the label and it will appear in a list of your created labels as shown below.

>=> After publishing your post, the label(s) would appear at the bottom part of the post with a link to all other posts grouped under it.


The second method is used after you have published your posts but intend to group them accordingly with labels, to achieve this, simply follow the following steps.

>=> Log on to your blogger dashboard where you have a list of all your blogs displayed.

>=> Click on the 'Go to post list' button of the blog you want to create post label as can be seen below.

>=> All the blog posts are displayed, simply click on the tiny little box at the beginning of each posts you want to group to select them. After which you click on the label button as seen below.
 >=> Click on the New label link for a dialogue box to appear where you type in the name of your label and click 'OK' when done.

That's it on how you too can add labels to group your blogger blog posts. To get more blog tips on this and many more, do not fail to subscribe to this blog and to like and follow for other blog tips on facebook and twitter.

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