Monday 13 April 2015

How to make High Quality Ribbon Flowers!

Image result for High quality ribbon flowers

Making of beautiful ribbon flowers can be a very remarkable thing to do. While it gives you that pleasure and satisfaction that no one has, if you know what I mean, its that sense of creativity and sense of adding beautiful touches to your dress and fashion styles.

Some of the steps that you can use to start creating that beautiful and wonderful ribbon flower of yours, include the following;

Image result for how to make high quality ribbon flowers
  1. Get a good quality ribbon material : There are different types of ribbon materials such as the Satin ribbon, paper ribbon and a host of others. Which ever one you are using, make sure its durable and thick, i.e, not something that could break easily.
  2. Get other things in place: Things like your scissors, thread, needle, pins, ruler or tape, and decorating ornaments should also be in place.
  3. If you are a beginner, make sure u start with very easy to do steps before proceeding to complex ones, so you can learn the basics.
 Below is a list of some of the beautiful flower designs you could find very interesting;

Image result for how to make high quality ribbon flowers
Image result for how to make high quality ribbon flowers

Image result for how to make high quality ribbon flowers
Image result for how to make high quality ribbon flowers

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